Sunday, December 22, 2013

Big smiles!

I finally got some smiles from Trey on camera.  He gives them mostly in the morning when he is fully fed and awake, but we get a few through out the day, also.  Trey's personality is different from Gia's;  she was interested mostly in people and could kind of care less about her hanging toys.  Trey LOVES to stare at his hanging toys and mobile, and is less interested than she was in looking at people.  But when he does make eye contact with us, he gives big smiles.  Those smiles are the best part about being a mama :o)

Trey smiling at me.

Trey smiling at my mom.

These are the only smiles I've caught on film so far, but he has also smiled at my dad and a lot at Bobby.

Saturday, December 21, 2013


There's a lot of stretching going on around here, and it's about the cutest thing ever.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Funny Things Gia Says

This is going to be an on-going post where I write down funny things Gia says.  I just don't want to forget how hilarious she is at this age.

Gia had a cavity filled last week and Bobby had 3 filled this day:
Daddy:  Gia, you know what?!  The dentist said he was proud of me because I did as good as you did!
Gia:  Of course you did.  You're a grown up.

WHile in the kitchen taking cookies out of the oven, Gia says to me: 
"I'm in cartwheel class!  But, it's just pretend, Mama.  It's not real.  I'm just pretending it's cartwheel class."
Me:  "That's okay, Gia.  You don't have to tell me, I know you're pretending.  It's fine with me that you pretend."
Gia:  "Of course.  It's fine for everyone.  Except bad guys."

Gia was practicing cartwheels in the living room and we were encouraging her.  I did a cartwheel and she told me, "Oh, good try."

"You can't try to fart slowly.  Farts just come out the way they're going to."  "I like farts, except they're stinky." 12/2/15
After drawing a picture for Bobby and telling me about it:
Me: Oh, Gia, it's beautiful!  Daddy is going to love it.
Gia:  Of course he is.

Gia is practicing saying the "th" sound rather than the "f" sound in "th" words.  
Me: Oh, Gia, you're growing up.
Gia: I'm already grown up.  Well, almost.
Me: Oh, okay.
Gia:  Well, but I'll always be your daughter. 
Me: Thanks Gia!
Gia:  And you'll still take me on dates, even if I'm grown up.
Me:  That's right.
Gia: I don't want to grow up.
Me:  Okay, you can stay little.  You can still live with us when you're grown up.  
Gia: Yeah.  But then I'll get married.
Me:  You can still live with us when you get married.  Your husband will have to live with us, too, but you can still live with us. 
Gia:  Yeah.  And eat nuts.

While watching Little Einstein's: 
Bobby:  "Oh no, why did the witch erase the note trail?"
Gia:  "That's just the way the show is."


Gia has begun asking questions about different objects, like why toys work a certain way or why a shirt has a hole in it.  The conversations go something like this:
Gia:  "Mama, why is this toy green?"
Me:  "I don't know, that's just it's color."
Gia:  "That's just the way God made it?" 12/2/14
To Trey as they were playing in the play kitchen:
"I'll get you some few couple more."

Me, looking at the almost empty bag of gummy bears, I said, "who ate all those gummy bears??"
Gia, with a mouth full of gummy bears said, "Uh, nobody."

As we are ready to leave for the airport to visit family in NC/SC and go to Aunt Kelly's wedding, Gia is sitting on the kitchen counter drinking her milk.  I looked at her and smiled, and she looked up at me, stopped drinking her milk, smiled and said:
Gia:  Yeah, I did fart.
Me:  ::laughing:: Oh, you did?
Gia:  Yeah.  It was just a little fart, like me.

Me:  Gia, what do you want for a snack?
Gia:  Um, chicken and grapes and carrots and sour cream.
Me:  That's an interesting combo.

We were talking about going to the beach this summer and seeing the fish...
Bobby:  We're going to see some fish this summer.
Gia:  Yeah!  The fish live in the trees.
Me:  No Gia, the fish live in the ocean.  That's the water at the beach.
Gia:  Oooh, cool.  The ocean is in the trees!

1.  Gia says"scooting" down the stairs as "I'm scoopin'"
2.  Blueberries = "blueblerries"
3.  Frosted flakes are "banana cereal" because she misheard me when I told her it was Nana's cereal.  Even when I tried to explain that it was from Nana, not that it was bananas, she said, "Oh.  Nana gave me the banana cereal?"
4.  In her doctor kit, the stethoscope is her "telescope."

Tonight during prayer time, Gia prayed for Abbi and Elmo, and for cookies, and for Daddy sharing cookies with her... even though it was really Mama's cookies she was eating!  

After Bible time tonight, which was Daniel and the Lions' den, she talked all evening about "Daniel and the baby lions."  Maybe it was her way of making it less scary?  Or maybe she just likes baby animals :o)

We shared some snicker bites.  After I asked Gia to throw away the wrapper in the trash...
Me:  Gia, what are you eating?
Gia:  Chocolate.
Bobby:  Where did you get chocolate?  
Gia:  From the trashcan! 

Bobby and I just looked at each other.  Side note, we think she was just still chewing the snickers she already had. 

Gia:  What are you eating, Mama?
Me:  Candy.
Gia:  Oh.  I don't want any candy.
Me:  You don't want candy?
Gia:  No, I don't.
Me:  Oh, okay.
Gia:  I want some candy.

1.  Gia says Ernie and Bert as Ernie and "Burp"
2.  When she uses her doctor kit, Gia uses the stethoscope to check her "heart-beep."

Papa Joe:  Do we need to change your diaper?  Is it okay?
Gia:  Yeah.  It's not too hot, not too cold.  Juuuust right!

Yesterday while decorating cookies:

Bobby: Gia, you're a girl. And Mama's a girl, and Daddy's a boy, and Nana's a girl, and Papa's a boy.
Gia: Nana's a boy?
Bobby: No, Nana's a girl. Papa's a boy.
Gia: Ohhh.
Bobby: What's Mama?
Gia: A Gamecock.

Apparently we watch too much football in this house.

Gia was crying today when she was with Bobby and going to the bathroom, and then she stopped and said to him, "That was a fake cry," and giggled.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Trey is one month!

WOW, the time has flown by!  Life is much busier with two kids, so my posts have pretty much been non-existent, but hopefully when I'm not feeding Trey every 2 1/2 hours, life will calm down a bit and I'll be able to write more.

So, Trey is one month old today!  Here are some of his stats:

Height:  at the doctor a couple weeks ago, he was in the 50% at 21.5 inches
Weight:  on our home scale last night, he weighed 9lbs 10oz!!  Oh. My. Goodness.  That's a 2 lb gain from birth!  At least all his eating isn't in vain.  Side note, I don't think Gia was this big until she was 2 months!
Head:  45%... he's proportionate!  

He has moved into size 1 diapers (again, Gia didn't do this until about 2 months) and is filling out his newborn clothes.  I assume he'll be in 0-3 months soon.

Trey is such a happy, chill baby!  What a blessing after having such a difficult time with Gia's infant stage.  It's still a lot of work, but he rarely gets upset (only when he's hungry or cold). 

We don't have him on a schedule for eating, but he tends to eat 7 times a day.  He will eat 3 times in 5 hours (for 40 minutes a feeding), but then sleep 5 hours in the night.  Lately I think he might be having a growth spurt because he hasn't been giving me long stretches at night for a couple days.  I'm less afraid of supplementing this time around if he needs it.  It lets me rest and makes him happy.  I nurse like normal and then feed him formula through the syringe and tube.  It's needed about once a week.

He has always made good eye contact with Bobby, but he's starting to look at me and Gia more. He will turn towards us when we talk to him.  

He loves his kick-time.  He is a mover!  Having a boy is going to take a different kind of energy, I think... much more active!

Bobby have been getting smiles since 2 1/2 weeks old (seriously), but I got my first about a week ago, and just yesterday the smiles have picked up.  I got three this past morning and more after I nursed him tonight!  It's awesome.

He loves the lights!  He likes to stare at the fan lights and the Christmas tree.

He has dimples!  I was so excited when the nurse pointed this out in the hospital!

He is sensitive to onions, just like Gia.  Gives him gas.

He pants when he's hungry.  So cute!

He doesn't like the bassinet for some reason, so he sleeps in the swing.  We don't put it on most of the time, he just finds it more comfortable.  And he sleeps in the hallway right outside out room, mostly because the swing doesn't fit in our room, and because our room's windows are awful and it's freezing in there.

Trey has my eyes, my chin, my head shape.  He has Bobby's lips & mouth, ears, and the "Wood" nose.  I say this because it's not really mine and it's not really Bobby's, but it's the nose that we apparently produce together (Gia's got the same nose).

I've learned that dressing boys is WAY different than dressing girls.  I really don't care what he's wearing as long as he's warm and it's easy for me to get into.  With Gia, I wanted to put her in 3 different outfits a day.  With Trey, he's in the same 3 outfits over and over again because they are warm and easy.  Plus no bows... had to get used to that one!  Bobby gets nervous when I jokingly put bows up to his head, ha ha :o)

What a little blessing and miracle you are, Trey!  I look forward to watching you play with your sister and getting to know your heart & personality.  Love you, little man!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Baby's got a broken foot

Gia is not attached to many toys.  If something breaks, gets lost, or another child wants to play with it, she's usually totally okay with that.  But when it comes to Baby, that is her Baby.  She doesn't like others to play with this doll and gets sad when she thinks it's missing.  And yes, her name is Baby.

Well, Baby got left outside one night.  She was on the chair outside when I left for work in the morning, and I didn't think anything of it, other than to tell Bobby that it was out there so he could grab it on the way to the sitter's house.  Apparently, an hour later when Gia and Bobby left the house to go to Kenna's, Nola had gotten a hold of baby and had her in the yard.  Not good.

We should have known better.  Our dog is great about not chewing anything in the house, including Gia's toys, but anything that is left outside is in "Nola's domain."  So, baby got boo-boos on her feet and face.

Thankfully, Daddy is the MAN at fixing things, and he wrapped up Baby's feet so they could heal.  Gia was completely okay with this, and seemed to think it was the logical thing to do because Baby had "broken feet."  Bobby used athletic tape to wrap up the feet.

Then, we got a little sneaky.  We called Bobby's mom, since she was the one who got Baby for Gia, and told her the situation.  His mom sent us a new baby doll (exactly the same one) so that we could "switch out" the babies.  When it came in the mail, we put the old clothes on the new baby and gave it to Gia.  We said, "Look Gia!  Baby's feet are all better!"  She was happy with this.  Then we suggested to Gia that we should change baby's clothes, because the old ones needed to be washed.  Gia helped put the new clothes on Baby, which are way cuter by the way, and all was well with the world.  She is so observant, though, that she noticed that New Baby's neck looked a little different because this one has a head that moves from side to side.  They made some upgrades, I guess!

I am so thankful for a husband who cares SO much for his baby girl that he is willing to tape up her doll's feet and go to great lengths to give her sweet things.  I am also thankful for a mother-in-law who doesn't hesitate to buy her granddaughter a new doll in order to help us and make Gia happy.  And I'm especially thankful that this happened NOW, when Gia is still too young to realize all that really happened.  Gia, when you read this later on in life, know that we did not do this to trick you.  We did it only because we love you so dearly and want you to be able to hold on to things in your life that are special.

  This picture was when she first got Baby.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Ducks and Overalls!

Last Friday was my last day of freedom before work really began.  I wanted to do something special with Gia and Bobby before life got crazy, and Gia's most favorite thing to do is feed the ducks.  This is a tradition that Bobby and Gia do together on Friday mornings a lot, and the park that he takes her to is one of the most beautiful places in our town.  It has so many large trees (which Utah doesn't have a lot of), and is just peaceful and pretty.

Gia had just gotten her hair cut, and my mom bought her an adorable pair of overalls (I LOVE a toddler in overalls), so I took the chance to get some pictures!  Gia is in a "don't take my picture" phase, so the ones I did get of her make me pretty happy.

 A little blurry, but like I said, I'll take it!
 This one's for you, Mom.  A view of the overalls from the back:

 The park has a little deck, which is perfect for feeding the ducks and not getting attacked by the geese :o)  Plus, we saw a bunch of baby catfish that were eating the bread as well!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Gia's First Haircut

Yesterday (Saturday 8/17/13, ) we went down to Bountiful to get Gia's haircut.   I had been trying to find a place to cut it, but we don't have any children's hair-cutting places nearby and I didn't want to pay a crazy amount to get it done at a real salon.  So, I just put it off a bit.  Then I got an email about a fundraiser that Main Attraction hair salon was putting on.  ALL the money given for a haircut on Saturday went to help pay medical bills for a baby boy who needs a heart transplant.  Help a baby and get Gia's hair cut all in one?  Yes, please!  

Gia did much better than I thought she would!  She's been a bit shy around people lately, so I wasn't sure if she would even let anyone touch her.  She absolutely would not sit in the chair by herself or wear the cape/cover, but after the lady suggested that she sit in Bobby's lap, she did pretty well.  There were a few tears, and then I handed her the M&M container, Bobby teased her a bit, and we all told her how pretty she was looking as the hair came off.  That did the trick.  By the end, she was cautiously-happy.  I think she was tickled at the attention and getting to look pretty, but still unsure of the whole process.  At the end she was sad to leave the salon!

First reaction:

 Then came the M&Ms:

 And after Daddy started playing with her:

 She's very serious about wanting her hair just right :o)

 The finished product!  The hairdresser did a great job, and we got to help a family in need.  It was a good day!
Our hairdresser was fantastic.  She was patient and sweet with Gia, and she was donating her time to help the baby in need.  She even donated her tips all day!  I almost forgot to get a lock of her hair, but thankfully the she asked me if I wanted it.  Of course I said yes, I'm super sentimental.  

I want Gia's hair to grow nice and long, but we had to get rid of that mullet that has formed since birth.  I told the hairdresser to take off as little as she had to in order to even it out, and she did.  Now Gia's hair is even and the curls look beautiful! 

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Learning to sew!

Last year for my birthday Bobby's mom got me a sewing machine.  Since she left a few days later to go back to SC, I haven't had a chance to use it since then (seeing as how I don't know the first thing about sewing).  I've been waiting for her to come back so that she could teach me, and this week we got our chance!

This is my first attempt at making things with the sewing machine.  I'm not even close to being proficient, but it was so much fun, and the "products" turned out well enough to use.  Well, the blanket did anyway.  Gia was impressed.  She wanted to sit on her brother's blanket and hold it.  I think that's a sign of approval.

 Here's the receiving blanket and a pillow dress. 
 Remember people, this is my first attempt at sewing ever.  This was just a practice dress.  I don't think I'd actually put this one on Gia.
 Then, Faye and I watched some tutorials on how to make bows, so I tried my hand at them.  The first one took me 10-15 minute to make, but then I had it down, and the second one was done in 5.  So fun and easy!  
Funny story (for football fans):  I almost jeopardized my marriage by making my first bow.  I made the purple one first, and put orange around the center to match one of Gia's dresses, but after I made it Bobby said, "Why are you making Clemson bows?"  I looked at it and said, "Sorry!  I didn't even think about it!"  I later put the bow in my hair and told him, "You should have gone to Clemson.  I look good in purple and orange."  He said, "Watch your mouth."  Too funny :o)  So then I flipped the colors and used a softer purple so that it still matched her dress, but Bobby wouldn't have to hide when he goes out with us in public.
When I get a picture of Gia wearing her outfit & bow, I'll post it here :o)  Thank you Mama Faye for teaching me!!