Friday, March 14, 2014

Trey - 4 months!

This past month has really flow by!  I'm having a hard time realizing that Trey is already 4 months.  He just continues to gain weight, being over double his birth weight already (he doubled it when he was a little over 3 months).  He's now 16 1/2 lbs and his 6 month shirts are starting to get snug.  Although he is definitely an observer and can look serious at times, he has started to laugh more (especially when Gia is around) and is a very happy baby, with lots of smiles after he has a full belly.  He has gone backwards in his sleep, however, going from a nice 10 hours a night at 3 months to now sleeping only 8-9 hours.  He does sometimes take an hour nap in the afternoon, but other than the occasional long nap, he still only takes 20-30 minute cat-naps in between feedings.  BUT, he eats more like every 3 hours rather than every 2 1/2... it makes a big difference!

One funny thing he does now is that he looks at our food and smacks his lips.  I wonder if he's just mimicking us, or if he can't wait to eat it, too!  Two more months, buddy!

Trey talks a lot.  He makes an "mmmm" sound when he wants to be held, has lots of inflection in the way he coos and makes noises when he creates spit bubbles.  

Trey has really developed his motor skills this month.  He sees something he wants, reaches up for it, takes hold, and brings it to his mouth.  This is completely different than Gia, who could care less about putting things in her mouth.  I'm going to have to vacuum more for this boy!

He has started getting distracted when nursing.  If I'm feeding him, Bobby has to stay completely quiet... if Trey hears him, he pulls away from me and looks for Bobby, and then the feeding is ruined.  I never fully get him focused back on eating!

I love those cheeks and the lips!  

 He has started making a LOT of spit bubbles!  He drools all the time, which surprised me because Gia never drooled.  Is it a boy thing, or just different baby thing?

 Teaching him young to love the Gamecocks!

I can't get over how much Trey loves his big sister.  She is absolutely his favorite person.  When she looks at him, he smiles, no matter how grumpy he is.  She makes him laugh just by being in the room.  And Gia loves her little brother!  I tell her that they are best buddies, and she takes her big sister roll seriously.

 He has been able to lift his head from a laying position since about 2 months, but he has much better control now and can do it for long periods of time.  This pose, admittedly, was encouraged by watching TV.  I wanted to get a really good shot of his tummy time :o)

Mr. Smiley!!  This is the smile he gives his family everyday.

Check out these rolls!  I love my chunker!  

He is a great little brother.  I love watching he personality develop and seeing his relationship with Gia grow.

When Gia first smelled coffee, she wrinkled up her nose and didn't like it.  Trey, however, lifted his eyebrows and leaned forward towards it!  Papa Joe, aren't you proud?