Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Joey - 11 months!

Our baby just continues to be a joy around our house.  He is so loving, giving hugs every chance he gets and so playful!  He has been our most playful child: he loves to roll the ball back and forth to us, be tickled, thrown in the air, chew on toys, read books, play "chase," and dance.  

He eats everything.  He still only has 2 teeth (as of the day he turned 11 months).

He cries when you take things away from him, but can be distracted easily. 

He loves to climb stairs.  He loves balls and trucks.

He weighs a whole 19 lbs (we had to go to the doctor for an ear infection just after he turned 11 months).  Still in size 4 diapers and size 12 month clothes.

Sugar is his BEST friend.  We don't give it to him much, but boy oh boy, when we go out to get ice cream, he eats as much as I do!

He has FINALLY begun to sleep through the night!!  Praise the LORD.  Sometimes, like when he got this cold and ear infection, he will wake up in the night, but mostly he sleeps from 8:30 to 6:30.  It's not 12 hours, but I'll take it.  If he gets up at 6:30, he will generally take a morning nap and a 3pm nap.  If he wakes up in the night and sleeps in a little, he takes one two-hour nap at 2pm.  

He still nurses 4 times a day.  

He still only says "Dada."  He makes a lot of beginning sounds, like "vuh," "tah," "dat," "gee," "nah," but no words yet.  He does understand words, such as "more, all done, come here, up, give kisses, no, I'm gonna get you, " and phrases that start with "do you want" (do you want water? a bite? milk?, etc...).  I'm still waiting (impatiently) to hear Mama.

He pulls himself up on everything and tries to climb on anything he can.

He loves Gia and Trey.  So far, they are 3 best buddies.  And when Daddy comes home, he nearly leaps out of my arms to go to him.  He loves to play with Daddy!

He can point to our eyes and nose on command.

When we give him a book, he laughs and wants to hold it right away and flip the pages.

His favorite foods are carbs (rather than meat).  He'll only eat eggs if they are loaded with cheese.  The kid LOVES peanut and almond butter.  His favorite thing to do lately is drink out of his sippy cup (there is hope for me being able to get him to skip a feeding and drink whole milk soon!).

He's going through separation anxiety.  On Sundays I usually have to keep him with me because he gets particularly attached around nap time.  Except for my Bobby or parents, he doesn't love for anyone else to hold him if I'm around.

The bath is his favorite thing!!  He could play in the bathtub for hours.  He also had a blast at the pool with Nana and Papa.

Most of my pictures and videos from this past month are on my phone, so I'm going to have to figure out how to get those on this blog and do an update later. :)