Oh goodness, this boy! He is the sweetest baby! He loves to give kisses (especially to Mama) and hugs, but if he's hungry or tired he doesn't want to be around anyone except me or Bobby. He loves to mimic his big brother and thinks Gia is the funniest person alive.
As of October 1, he has 6 teeth (four on top coming down and two on bottom), is wearing size 12 & 18 month clothes (he's long but skinny), size 4 diapers, size 3 shoes.
His favorite foods are any kind of sugar, especially ice cream. He also likes peanut butter, bread, cantaloupe, honey nut cheerios, mac and cheese, and sometimes eggs with cheese. He's VERY picky and is a challenge to feed! He doesn't like many veggies or meats, so I have to show him only the healthy foods first. If he gets a taste of the good stuff (like bread or cheerios), that's all he'll eat. He loves to drink water from the straw-sippy and also knows which one belongs to brother Trey... and then goes after that one!
He nurses 3 times a day. With Gia and Trey, as soon as they discovered cow's milk, they pretty much weaned themselves. Joey is not that way... he will enjoy about a half a sippy of regular milk, but it's just for a fun snack. He has no interest in stopping nursing, so we're still going for now.
Sleep: he has been sleeping through the night for almost a month!! He usually takes a 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon, unless he gets a morning nap, in which case his afternoon nap is a little bit shorter. Usually he skips his morning nap because he wants to nurse to sleep and I won't let him. We'll work in a morning nap routine soon and see if it takes.
He lets himself be heard. Oh my goodness. If Trey is too close to him, or just rubbing his head, he will scream because he knows that I'll come in the room and rescue him. If he wants more food, he screams. If he's done with his food, he screams. We are desperately working on getting him to say, "more" and "all done," but so far he seems pretty stubborn in that area. He did tell me "up" today (sounded like "at") for the first time, so we're making progress!
He can say "that" ('at), "this" ('is), "daddy," and now "up" (also sounds like "at"). He did, one time this past month, say "Mama." I was in the kitchen with Trey and he said it. Trey looked at me and said, "Joey said Mama!" so I know that I wasn't the only one who heard it. He said it one more time after that, and then not since.
He.Loves.Balls! He loves to sit on the floor across from one of us and roll/bounce the ball back and forth. He's the most playful of our babies and likes to be involved in our games.
He likes to brush his own hair and then brush mine.
If you sit him down to put on his shoes, he sticks out his feet to help you get them on.
Baths are his absolute favorite thing! If he hears me turn on the water in the bathroom, he books it on hands and knees to pull himself up on the rim of the tub. He even loves to just stand there as brother or sister are getting a bath and try to reach into the water.
He loves to dance! He also thinks it's hilarious when we dance while holding him.
He really likes car rides and stroller rides. It's a good way to get him to sleep when he's unable to get himself settled.
When Daddy gets home he gets really excited and crawls right over to Bobby to give him hugs. Bobby's pretty much in love with this routine.
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