Monday, May 2, 2016

Joey - 7 months!

Joey is 7 months... wow!  He is such a happy baby, loves to be held by everyone, is very active and into everything he can reach, thinks most everything is funny (especially mama tickling him and being "dropped" from high to low), loves his bouncer and loves his siblings.  

This month we went to the doctor when he was about 6 months 3 weeks, because the doctor had to cancel one appointment and then I had to cancel the next.  So, his stats at that point were:  Height: 75%, Weight: 35%, Head: 80%.  He had gone down a little on his weight and height, but honestly, I need to vent a little about the way they measure his height:  They lay the baby down and mark at his feet and then at his head (as if they kid won't squirm and move between the time they mark his feet to the time they mark his head).  So this time, she marked the paper and then had to come back in because "he shrunk according to the measurement, and that can't be possible!"  So, who knows if he really slowed down in height or if they just measured him wrong last time.  Okay, rant over.  The doctor also asked me if he was eating okay, and I said that yes, he was still nursing 7 times a day and starting to eat solids.  The kid is just active and doesn't keep the weight on!

The strong will has begun... about 2 weeks ago he began to scream-cry when we took things away from him.  My goodness, can it really start this young?  I may have another strong-willed kid on my hands!  

He is quietly determined.  He will try for a long time to reach whatever it is that he wants.  He doesn't get frustrated at this, he just keeps trying.  

Already, right when he turned 6 months, started to look for things that have dropped.  I remember this happening later for my other two and then the doctor said that was more of a 8/9 month thing.  So, he's advanced in that area.  Not sure what exactly that says about him, but it's fun that he's already doing it.

He has this skin thing where every now and then he gets little bumps all over.  I give him one dose of an allergy medicine, and it goes away again for a couple weeks.  I'm beginning to switch to fragrance detergent, and we'll see if that works.  Otherwise, we'll just have to wait until he outgrows it.

I had to start swaddling him again at night because he would wake right up when being put down.  Also, he now sleeps in the pack n play upstairs in the office.  He also gets up 2ce a night on average.  I'm looking forward to when he sleeps through the night!

He loves playing with this light-up toy (it's a stick with a soft ball on top, and when you whack it on the floor it lights up).  He also loves to chew on keys, his stuffed monkey, and anything else he can get his hands on.

He eats once a day, at dinner time.  Carrots, sweet potatoes and bananas are his favorite.  He doesn't like the apple/cherry combo... it's too sour, I think.  He eats about 3 oz at at time.

Still won't take a paci, although he likes to play with it.  Still doesn't drink from the bottle, although there have been a couple of times when he will drink an once or two.  I'm still working on that.

He can now sit up well.  He likes to sit up and look around, but tends to eventually throw himself backwards, so I put the pillow behind him still.

Aunt Fran came to visit this past month and got to meet little Joey!

He sits up on his own really well now, but I still put a pillow behind him because he does tip over if he arches backwards or reaches too far for something.

I love seeing him sleep without his swaddler.  He is usually swaddled at night but not at naps.

Joey loves his bouncer!

He liked the grass, but wasn't very smiley about it.

I just love a baby in overalls!

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