First big change: I hear Trey talking in his crib in the morning about wanting to get out of bed. About a minute later, I heard a door close, and, thinking it was Gia getting out of her room, I waited with my eyes closed until she came to get me. But, to my surprise, I heard my two-year-old son's voice next to my ear saying, "I get up, Mama!" I was so shocked, I woke Bobby up and started laughing. Bobby had a similar reaction. We looked at each other and Bobby said, "Well, I guess we need to get a big boy bed. That's what we'll be doing today." So, later that day, he changed Trey's crib into a toddler bed and my baby boy slept well in his new bed without walls. Sigh. I definitely cried.
Third big change: Gia has been anxious for a while about turing 5. She tells us that she wants to be 4 forever and gets teary eyed if anyone mentions turning 5 or going to school. On Wednesday we went to the school where we are applying her at, and she got to meet the office manager, principal, kindergarten teacher and a classroom full of the nicest kindergarteners I've ever met. They other children were lovingly putting their hands on her back and guiding her around the classroom as they showed her their toys, drying artwork, and fish eggs that were growing in the classroom fish tank. The school was small, quiet, and wonderful. And the moment we walked out the door, Gia turned to me and said, "Mama. I changed my mind." I asked, "about what?" She replied, "About going to school. I thought I didn't want to go, but then I went in and the people were so nice! I want to go to school now. I didn't think it was going to be fun, but it was!" Once again, I cried as I told her how wonderful that was and how excited I was that she wanted to go to school (while in my heart I was just wanting to grab her, homeschool her and never let her go).
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