Today I turn 30. For the past 9 months, I've been rubbing it in to Bobby that I'm still in my 20s while he has entered the 30s. I guess this could be a scary number to turn, because you let go of a part of your youth and all the adventures that go along with that (as well as maybe some of your metabolism). But for me, I have things that I look forward to in each era of my life that's yet to come. For my 30s, it's having the rest of my children (however many that will be), watching them in joy as they live our their childhoods, staying home with them, seeing the start of this church plant turn into an "established" church, and doing things as a family with multiple children. I know there will probably be heartaches in this era as well, but I'm so grateful that the Lord has allowed me to live to see this season of my life.
During this next year of me being 30, I will give birth to our third child and second son. This, of course, is a precious thought to me and something that will make this year awesome. I've been thinking today about little Joey and what his life might be like. Will he be strong willed like his brother, or laid back like his Papa Joe, his namesake? Will he look more like me, or continue the pattern of my kids looking more like Bobby? What will his love languages be? What will his gifts and talents be?
If you've known me for very long, you probably know that I love the Duggars. I've been contemplating today, on my birthday, that I am exactly as far along right now as Michelle Duggar was with Josie when she gave birth to her (25 weeks 4 days). I can somewhat picture what he might look like inside my belly as I watch the episodes of little Josie being born prematurely. I'm grateful that he is still growing and living in my belly and not outside the womb, but how amazing that I can imagine how big he is and how his body is formed at this stage. All his parts are formed and he has what he needs in his brain to grow into an adult. Amazing!
This birthday has been so special because my husband has made it so. I'm so amazingly blessed with a family and extended family (and church family) who care so much about me. I think that the love I receive from others on my birthday reminds me that all I really need are God and the people in my life. So many times I can get caught up in wanting material things that I become discontent with what God has given me. I forget that He has richly blessed me. I hope that in my 30s I can fully grasp how unimportant it is to have the prettiest house, thinnest body, expensive appliances or put-together clothes. Instead, I want my heart to be focused on seeking the Lord and His will, and to give more sacrificially to others. So here we go... bring on the 30s!
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