My goodness, where did the 6th month go?? I think time is going by faster now. This past month has been the most fun so far with Trey! He's really showing his little personality and starting to talk to us and interact more with Gia.
At his 6 month appointment, these were Trey's stats:
Weight: 20 lbs (80%)
Height: 28.5 in. (92%)
Head: 94%
He's a big boy! It's getting harder for me to carry him around for more than 10 minutes at a time. He's in 12 month clothes, but his thighs are sometimes too tight for the outfits that button around the legs!
His hair has really grown this past month. Looks like it's going to be more blonde than Gia's, and his texture seems to be more like mine when I was a kid. He has 2 cowlicks beside each other on the top/back part of his head that form a natural fohawk... so, I guess his future hairstyle is already planned! He has slimmed down a little since becoming more active and using the jumper a lot, but he still has those chubby cheeks that I love!
Trey is definitely a different personality than Gia. He gets very excited right after he eats, and he loves to be around his family. Gia makes him laugh ALL the time, and he is a smiley baby at home. When he's around large crowds, however, he mostly studies the people around him rather than interacting with immediate smiles. Although some people think he is always serious or unhappy, this is not the case. He's just not as initially bubbly with people outside the family. I'm okay with this, because it makes me feel special :o)
He now rolls from belly to back, back to belly, etc... and he is starting to scoot a little. He amazes us with his ability to see something he wants, aim right at it and grab it in a second! Gia was never this way, so it's a whole new ballgame of keeping things out of his reach. I'm going to have to baby-proof my house a little better than we did the first time around!
He sat up before 5 months, but I would say that he has mastered that skill now. He can catch himself when he's falling and push himself back up, and he can go from a sitting position to his tummy when he wants to get around.
This boy loves. his. food! He is up to 2-3 meals a day, usually polishing off 3-4 ounces per serving! He is still nursing 6 times a day, with the occasional supplement of a bottle.
Today, as I'm writing this a couple days late, on Father's Day, Trey said his first word: Daddy. Of course. I'm with him 24/7, but "daddy" gets said first! It was okay, though, because it was a really cool Father's Day present for Bobby.
Trey will take his first airplane ride this month, so we'll see how he does with it! He usually only takes the pacifier at nap time, but we'll probably be using it on the plane.
Trey sleeps from about 10:30pm to 7am. This varies, depending on the day and the feedings, and sometimes he gets up at 5:30 for a feeding, sometimes he's up at 6:30 for good, and sometimes he goes back to bed after the 6-7am feeding and sleeps until around 10am. We're not a very scheduled family, so he seems to pick up on that and likes to mix things up for us. And it never fails that on a Saturday night before church on Sunday, Trey gets up in the middle of the night for a feeding. Little stinker.
I can't even say enough about how sweet Trey is and how much I love his personality. He snuggles, but is very active. He's curious but rarely gets upset when we have to take things from him. This Italian mama loves that he likes to eat. He absolutely adores his big sister, and they get along really well, He even tries to hug her back when she hugs him.
Oh yeah, and he gives kisses when asked! We'll ask for a kiss, and he'll open his mouth, grab our faces and plant one on our cheeks. Best. Thing. Ever.
We are continually falling in love with you, little boy, and we can't wait to see how your personality develops over the next couple months! I would just ask that you would wait a little bit before walking so that I can prepare myself...
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