Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Trey - 6 months!

Oh, my sweet little boy is half a year old!  I can't believe how fast this past month has gone!

We haven't gone to the doctor yet, but his weight on the home scale was about 9 lbs 5 oz.  He's still chunky, but I guess he's slowed down in his weight-gain.  I'm a little sad about this, although I know it needs to happen so that he isn't 30 lbs by the time he's one!  But, he still has those cute rolls and cheeks!  Trey is wearing 9-12 month clothes (9 month pants, 12 month tops).    Cuh-RAY-Zee!

Oh my goodness, he is everything I thought a sweet baby boy would be.  He loves to snuggle and be tickled.  He only fusses when he's tired, hungry, or needs a diaper change.  Trey laughs the most when being thrown in the air, when Gia dances in front of him, or when Nola walks by.  He LOVES his sister and his dog!  And he gets super excited when Daddy talks or walks in the room.  However, I like to think that above all else, he's a Mama's boy :o)

New things from the past month:
Trey began sitting up at the end of 4 months, but this month he has been doing it all the time.  I still put a pillow behind him because he tends to get excited, rock back and forth and then tip over.  His new toy is his jumper, which is an awesome way to work his legs, entertain him and give Mama's arms a break.  His favorite toy is a puppy that my friend Donnell gave him.  
He puts everything in his mouth!  No teething as of yet, but that seems to be a theme for my kids... they get their teeth late, which the dentist told me is actually a good thing.  And he doesn't bite me, so the later the better!

Still usually nursing 6 times a day.  Mostly my milk, occasionally a few extra ounces.  I got lazy with my water this past month and he was drinking like 3-4 supplemented bottles a day, but I got back into drinking water, and now we're good.
Trey started eating solid foods this past month.  He has tried apples, carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, peas, green beans, mangos and bananas.  His favorite is probably apples and bananas.  He doesn't care much for peas, but this boy doesn't really turn down any kind of food.  He eyes our food when we eat, moves his mouth in the eating motion and follows our forks with his eyes!  It's too funny!

You're killin' me, Smalls.  His sleep is very random: sometimes a long nap and short one, sometimes 2 short ones, sometimes just one long one.  At night, he will sleep 9 hours for a couple nights, then get up at 5am for a week straight.  Last night he went down at 11:30pm, got up to eat at 4am, and then again at 7:45am.  So, I just never know and I have to grab sleep where I can get it!

Relationship with Gia:
So. Sweet.  There is much love going around our house these days.  Gia loves to give Trey hugs and kisses, and she has realized that Trey lights up and giggles when she talks to him, so she loves to entertain him.  She helps me change his diaper, feed him and bathe him.  He gets incredibly excited when she is around, and he talks to her a lot.  When Gia has her hair done or puts on a new outfit, or does something new, she says, "I'm gonna go show Trey!"  Which isn't to say that she doesn't sometimes snatch toys from him, but overall, they love each other.

 In this picture, Trey was falling over on Gia, and she kept saying, "Trey, don't fall on me, Bud!  Ah, Trey, you're falling on me!"

Other random facts:
We are working on getting Trey's skin under control.  It looks better, but still flares up.  He also scratches his face quite a bit, no matter how short I cut and file his nails.  Trey loves other kids, and doesn't mind being held at all by strangers, although after a while he wants to come back to Mama.  And if he's tired, he wants Mama.  And he usually wants Mama to feed him milk, especially right before bed.  Just in the past week or so, he has started to have a "fake" cry  that means, "pick me up" or "pay attention to me."

Trey, we love you so much!  You are a cutie and a great baby!

 His "model" pose :o)

Nana is here visiting us, and Trey loves her!  He's almost as big as she is!

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