Trey has gotten into 9 month clothes. His torso is too big for 6 month clothes, but his legs aren't quite long enough for 9 month pants... his belly requires 9 month, though, so it's tricky to get jeans on him at the moment!
Still in size 3 diapers.
Unfortunately, he went from sleeping 9-11 hours straight a couple weeks ago to waking up in the middle of the night. I'm pretty tired, feeling like we've reverted back to the infant stage, but I'm hopeful it won't last forever.
I put him on the scale this morning, and he was 8 lbs 8oz! His thighs are as big as my upper arm, ha ha! I call him my millstone.
His sleeping routine is to be swaddled, given the paci, then rocked for about a minute while singing to him. I sing "This Little Light of Mine" and Bobby sings "Chicken Fried."
Trey LOVES being naked! If he's ever fussy, I just change his diaper and leave him naked for a while (until he gets cold). So different from Gia!
We've started on solid foods this past week. He has tried sweet potatoes and peas, both of which he likes. We give him about an ounce at dinner time. It doesn't satisfy him like milk does, though, so he has to be nursed BEFORE eating, otherwise he gets fussy. But he sure has fun eating!
He laughs and laughs at his big sister! She is so gentle and sweet with him, and he really loves her. His favorite is when she dances in front of him. It cracks him up!
His eczema continues, mostly a couple patches on his cheeks. Eucerine and CereVe work well to keep it controlled, but we have to put it on a few times a day. Utah is very dry.
He can easily roll from belly to back, and he rolls from back to side (he can't quite get over his arm to get all the way to his belly). He also began sitting up about 5 days before turning 5 months.
He loves to grab at things and put them straight into his mouth. He has also taken to feeling our faces, which is really sweet!
He loves Mama to hold him, but boy, do his legs start kicking when Daddy talks to him!
He only cries when he's hungry, poopy or tired. He's starting to fuss when left alone in a room, but mostly he's a happy boy.
Have I mentioned that he LOVES the TV? It's hilarious! He twists and arches his back to see it. We have to reposition him a lot so he can't watch it.
He has become very ticklish! His legs and sides are the biggest trigger spots.
Things that make him laugh: Grabbing his hand, Gia dancing or jumping on the trampoline, peek-a-boo, tickles.
Such a sweet, cuddly little boy we have! He's a joy in our house and we're blessed to have two healthy, happy kids!
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