WOW, the time has flown by! Life is much busier with two kids, so my posts have pretty much been non-existent, but hopefully when I'm not feeding Trey every 2 1/2 hours, life will calm down a bit and I'll be able to write more.
So, Trey is one month old today! Here are some of his stats:
Height: at the doctor a couple weeks ago, he was in the 50% at 21.5 inches
Weight: on our home scale last night, he weighed 9lbs 10oz!! Oh. My. Goodness. That's a 2 lb gain from birth! At least all his eating isn't in vain. Side note, I don't think Gia was this big until she was 2 months!
Head: 45%... he's proportionate!
He has moved into size 1 diapers (again, Gia didn't do this until about 2 months) and is filling out his newborn clothes. I assume he'll be in 0-3 months soon.
Trey is such a happy, chill baby! What a blessing after having such a difficult time with Gia's infant stage. It's still a lot of work, but he rarely gets upset (only when he's hungry or cold).
We don't have him on a schedule for eating, but he tends to eat 7 times a day. He will eat 3 times in 5 hours (for 40 minutes a feeding), but then sleep 5 hours in the night. Lately I think he might be having a growth spurt because he hasn't been giving me long stretches at night for a couple days. I'm less afraid of supplementing this time around if he needs it. It lets me rest and makes him happy. I nurse like normal and then feed him formula through the syringe and tube. It's needed about once a week.
He has always made good eye contact with Bobby, but he's starting to look at me and Gia more. He will turn towards us when we talk to him.
He loves his kick-time. He is a mover! Having a boy is going to take a different kind of energy, I think... much more active!
Bobby have been getting smiles since 2 1/2 weeks old (seriously), but I got my first about a week ago, and just yesterday the smiles have picked up. I got three this past morning and more after I nursed him tonight! It's awesome.
He loves the lights! He likes to stare at the fan lights and the Christmas tree.
He has dimples! I was so excited when the nurse pointed this out in the hospital!
He is sensitive to onions, just like Gia. Gives him gas.
He pants when he's hungry. So cute!
He doesn't like the bassinet for some reason, so he sleeps in the swing. We don't put it on most of the time, he just finds it more comfortable. And he sleeps in the hallway right outside out room, mostly because the swing doesn't fit in our room, and because our room's windows are awful and it's freezing in there.
Trey has my eyes, my chin, my head shape. He has Bobby's lips & mouth, ears, and the "Wood" nose. I say this because it's not really mine and it's not really Bobby's, but it's the nose that we apparently produce together (Gia's got the same nose).
I've learned that dressing boys is WAY different than dressing girls. I really don't care what he's wearing as long as he's warm and it's easy for me to get into. With Gia, I wanted to put her in 3 different outfits a day. With Trey, he's in the same 3 outfits over and over again because they are warm and easy. Plus no bows... had to get used to that one! Bobby gets nervous when I jokingly put bows up to his head, ha ha :o)
What a little blessing and miracle you are, Trey! I look forward to watching you play with your sister and getting to know your heart & personality. Love you, little man!
What a little doll! Told ya the second baby would make up for the first, ha;) Such a beautiful family!