Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Trey - 22 months!

Our boy turned 22 months a couple weeks ago.  Life has been pretty busy trying to get everything done before baby #3 gets here, so I haven't written an update in a while!  I'm going to have to try to remember all that's happened with Trey in the past 2 months.

He's still a big kid... 3T pants, although length wise he really needs 2T, and 2-3T shirts.  He probably weighs as much as Gia at this point.  He wears size 6 shoes and size 5 diapers.

He can put on his own crocks.

He LOVES to be outside.  He LOVES to pretend to mow the lawn.  He will get in his little coop car and pretend to go to the grocery store and get a cookie.

He loves to go see "baby Joey" at the doctor's office because it means he gets a sucker.  Dr. Davis gets a huge kick out of it.

 He loves on Gia's baby doll... just getting ready to be a big brother!
 "Shhhh, baby.  Night night!"


Trey is definitely still a big fan of mama... he gets jealous if I hold other babies and wants me most of the time.  However, lately Bobby has spent a good bit of time with him because of their date and my stomach bug, and he has become super attached to Daddy.  This is a great thing since Joey is coming soon and I will need him to go to Bobby often.

His favorite books are The Very Hungry Caterpillar (Ca-pil-uh book) and Pat the Bunny (Bunny book).  His favorite shows are Elmo and Super Why.

We got a new baby monitor system for my baby shower, and it allows us to talk to Trey & Gia in their rooms from our monitor.  He loves to talk to Daddy from inside his crib.  It calms him down and is really cute.

Right now he plays a game with Nana (since she's staying here).  He yells, "NANA!" and she yells back to him, "Trey-bert!"  Super cute.

He doesn't eat quite as much as he used to, I feel like.  He is more picky of an eater lately.  He loves to eat the apples right off our tree, and he still loves eggs and cheese.  He's not a big fan of bread, which is okay with us, but it means that if I need to make an emergency meal of PB&J, he won't really eat it.

His favorite color is yellow and he LOVES airplanes ("big jet!"), so we're going to do the boys' room in gray, navy and yellow and make it an airplane theme.

Special thanks to Brianna Goodwin for the next few pictures from our maternity shoot!