I feel like a bad mom today... last night Trey woke up (for the second night in a row) because his fever had spiked and his nose was stuffy. I gave him medicine, cleaned his face, and rocked him a while. He fell asleep in my lap, but as soon as I stood up with him, he of course woke up, and clung to me as if I was the only thing that would make him feel better. I had to let him sleep, however, and I left him in his crib. He eventually fell asleep about 15 minutes later, but I felt awful about it.
Then today I was playing with the kids outside while talking to an old friend on the phone. They were both on the outside swing which sits on our patio. Gia got off, and I was standing right in front of Trey, but Gia gave the swing a little push, and Trey fell out head first. I tried to grab his head with my hand, but only managed to slow his fall and push him sideways a bit. Thank the Lord, Trey hit his head on our "sit and spin" toy, which had scooted underneath the swing, rather than the concrete, but the swing gave him a long scratch on the head and he still got a bruise on his forehead. He cried, of course, but after some M&Ms and Elmo, he was okay.
THEN, while sitting on the couch watching Elmo as he was recovering from the fall he JUST had, he scooted off the couch and fell forward and chipped his front tooth on the coffee table! I was sitting RIGHT there, but Gia was in front of Trey and I couldn't get to him fast enough. He cried some more and I saw that his tooth was chipped, and felt awful again. He has such pretty teeth :( And of course, 5 minutes later, I had to put him down for a nap, and he cried for me again. Awful.
I called Bobby after getting Gia settled into her quite time, and it was my turn to cry. Thankfully my dentist is going to look at the tooth tomorrow morning and not charge us anything, because I have the best dentist ever, but I don't know what can be done about it. Lord willing it's an easy fix.
I feel like I need to stay away from my kids for the rest of the day for their own safety. At the same time, all I want to do is hug them and hold them because I'm so thankful that Trey's fall off the swing wasn't worse. Somedays being a mom is emotional work (especially with not much sleep). We're just getting ready for that #3, right?!
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Sunday, April 19, 2015
Trey - 17 months!
This boy just continues to grow! Here are some stats that I know :)
Weight: 27 lbs 1.5 oz
Size 4 diapers still
Clothes size: 24 months
Shoe size: 6 (just in the past week it's jumped up a size)
I skipped last month's update, so this will be a combo. Although definitely strong willed, Trey has really progressed this month in listening and obeying. Time outs seems to work best for him at this point... he hates to sit alone and still. He is quick to say, "I'm sorry" when we ask him to, and to give kisses or hugs after being corrected. He has the most fantastic sister ever, and she so patiently loves on him when he is not kind to her. I tell her that if she continues being kind, that at one point he will fully understand what's going on and will show her kindness back... at least, that will be our aim and goal.
He LOVES LOVES Elmo!! Trey could watch Elmo songs on Youtube ALL day long! He sleeps with an Elmo stuffed animal, brings us Sesame Street books to read to him, and asks for Elmo songs throughout the day. Thankfully, the whole family enjoys the music, so it hasn't gotten old yet. Gia went through a similar stage, and it's actually fun to be back in it again.
He began being able to tell us his body parts at 15 months, but now he can say and point out his: leg, arm, hand, knee, feet, toes, eyes, nose, ears, teeth, mouth, hair, head, belly, and butt :)
He might be getting ready for potty training, if I decide to work really hard at it now. He tells us when he goes poo-poo or pee-pee, and sometimes he'll say poo-poo before it happens. He's sat on a potty seat a few times in the past week, but nothing has happened.
We finally got the boy a haircut! He's needed one for about 6 weeks, but we just didn't have a free day where all of us could go (I needed Bobby to hold him so that I could take pictures and video!) Finally, this Saturday we got out and got his hair cut. I didn't realize how scraggly he looked with his hair until he got it cut! Sheesh! Should have done it sooner. He has 2 cowlicks in the back of his head, and it naturally swirls inward to form a nice faux-hawk, so that's what we went with. And, it fits his personality!
Before & After!
We call him out sourpatch kid. Have you ever seen those commercials? The sourpatch candy is mean to the kid, and then super sweet. Well, that's our son. He might say, "No!" and hit you, but just after reminding him to do the right thing, he gives kisses and hugs and wants you to read him a story. We're working on his self-control when he gets angry or impatient, and I know it will take time as his understanding and vocabulary grows, but he's slowly getting there.
He can probably say about 45-50 words. He's very quick to pick up words and remember them. He can say a few 2 or 3-word sentences, like "All done" or "Daddy's at work," but mostly he communicates with one word at a time.
He's a very smart boy, which plays into the strong-willed side of him, I think. He often knows the right thing to do, but might not do it right away. On the other hand, he is quick to apologize and quite often does do the right thing when we ask him.
He is starting to want to clean up. He will pull the DVDs off the shelf, but then want to put them back. Also, if something drops on the floor, he immediately wants to pick it up. This includes when someone else drops something (he wants them to pick it up).
His favorite foods vary from week to week, but I would say that he's a big fan of pancakes and eggs for breakfast, blueberries, cooked carrots, broccoli, oranges, mac & cheese, enchiladas, and anything sweet. He also got to drink juice for a while this past month when he had the flu and RSV, so we know that he loves that. We don't normally drink juice in our house, but I know that he wishes we did because he calls his water "juice."
He is definitely becoming a Daddy's boy! He gets frustrated when Daddy's not around, and is completely happy when Daddy is home. He had his first Daddy-son date a couple weeks ago and loved it. He will crawl up in Bobby's lap with a book every chance he gets.
Trey loves shoes. He gets excited to put them on and will bring me the ones he wants to wear! Maybe it's because he knows we're going out when he puts on shoes...
He is very strong! He can even plank in mid-air!
He got 3 molars this month! He went through a really rough week or two where he was just constantly disobedient and cranky, and then had a couple of days of a low-grade fever. I didn't see any teeth coming in the front, so I didn't think anything of it until one morning I was brushing his teeth, and I felt 3 of them! Poor kid! At least now he can eat even more food that he loves :)
He loves babies! I hope this continues and he loves his new baby brother or sister in the Fall!
Every time he gets sick, he gets a fever. He had the flu and RSV in March, and it was awful. He had a temp for 5 days, and then began having issues breathing. He also had an ear infection, so he was on an antibiotic for 12 days along with breathing treatments. It was rough. Then Gia caught the flu from him, so it made for a long week and a half. As a matter of fact, he has a cold right now and an ear infection. I've been told that he'll have a great immune system when he starts school, though!
Oh, we love this boy! He is so cute and precious, and we love the feisty and sweet combination in his personality. We've been talking a lot lately about how his personality qualities, if we parent right and by the grace of God, will create an amazing man of God. He has the potential to be a strong, sensitive leader, and I'm so grateful for that... even if it means that those same personality traits make his toddler years a little more challenging. Jim Bob Duggar would say, "If you train a strong willed child to do what's right, they'll have a strong will to do what's right." I quote this to myself often and look forward to seeing what kind of man he will become!
Weight: 27 lbs 1.5 oz
Size 4 diapers still
Clothes size: 24 months
Shoe size: 6 (just in the past week it's jumped up a size)
I skipped last month's update, so this will be a combo. Although definitely strong willed, Trey has really progressed this month in listening and obeying. Time outs seems to work best for him at this point... he hates to sit alone and still. He is quick to say, "I'm sorry" when we ask him to, and to give kisses or hugs after being corrected. He has the most fantastic sister ever, and she so patiently loves on him when he is not kind to her. I tell her that if she continues being kind, that at one point he will fully understand what's going on and will show her kindness back... at least, that will be our aim and goal.
He LOVES LOVES Elmo!! Trey could watch Elmo songs on Youtube ALL day long! He sleeps with an Elmo stuffed animal, brings us Sesame Street books to read to him, and asks for Elmo songs throughout the day. Thankfully, the whole family enjoys the music, so it hasn't gotten old yet. Gia went through a similar stage, and it's actually fun to be back in it again.
He began being able to tell us his body parts at 15 months, but now he can say and point out his: leg, arm, hand, knee, feet, toes, eyes, nose, ears, teeth, mouth, hair, head, belly, and butt :)
He might be getting ready for potty training, if I decide to work really hard at it now. He tells us when he goes poo-poo or pee-pee, and sometimes he'll say poo-poo before it happens. He's sat on a potty seat a few times in the past week, but nothing has happened.
We finally got the boy a haircut! He's needed one for about 6 weeks, but we just didn't have a free day where all of us could go (I needed Bobby to hold him so that I could take pictures and video!) Finally, this Saturday we got out and got his hair cut. I didn't realize how scraggly he looked with his hair until he got it cut! Sheesh! Should have done it sooner. He has 2 cowlicks in the back of his head, and it naturally swirls inward to form a nice faux-hawk, so that's what we went with. And, it fits his personality!
Before & After!
We call him out sourpatch kid. Have you ever seen those commercials? The sourpatch candy is mean to the kid, and then super sweet. Well, that's our son. He might say, "No!" and hit you, but just after reminding him to do the right thing, he gives kisses and hugs and wants you to read him a story. We're working on his self-control when he gets angry or impatient, and I know it will take time as his understanding and vocabulary grows, but he's slowly getting there.
He can probably say about 45-50 words. He's very quick to pick up words and remember them. He can say a few 2 or 3-word sentences, like "All done" or "Daddy's at work," but mostly he communicates with one word at a time.
He's a very smart boy, which plays into the strong-willed side of him, I think. He often knows the right thing to do, but might not do it right away. On the other hand, he is quick to apologize and quite often does do the right thing when we ask him.
He is starting to want to clean up. He will pull the DVDs off the shelf, but then want to put them back. Also, if something drops on the floor, he immediately wants to pick it up. This includes when someone else drops something (he wants them to pick it up).
His favorite foods vary from week to week, but I would say that he's a big fan of pancakes and eggs for breakfast, blueberries, cooked carrots, broccoli, oranges, mac & cheese, enchiladas, and anything sweet. He also got to drink juice for a while this past month when he had the flu and RSV, so we know that he loves that. We don't normally drink juice in our house, but I know that he wishes we did because he calls his water "juice."
He is definitely becoming a Daddy's boy! He gets frustrated when Daddy's not around, and is completely happy when Daddy is home. He had his first Daddy-son date a couple weeks ago and loved it. He will crawl up in Bobby's lap with a book every chance he gets.
Trey loves shoes. He gets excited to put them on and will bring me the ones he wants to wear! Maybe it's because he knows we're going out when he puts on shoes...
He is very strong! He can even plank in mid-air!
He got 3 molars this month! He went through a really rough week or two where he was just constantly disobedient and cranky, and then had a couple of days of a low-grade fever. I didn't see any teeth coming in the front, so I didn't think anything of it until one morning I was brushing his teeth, and I felt 3 of them! Poor kid! At least now he can eat even more food that he loves :)
He loves babies! I hope this continues and he loves his new baby brother or sister in the Fall!
Every time he gets sick, he gets a fever. He had the flu and RSV in March, and it was awful. He had a temp for 5 days, and then began having issues breathing. He also had an ear infection, so he was on an antibiotic for 12 days along with breathing treatments. It was rough. Then Gia caught the flu from him, so it made for a long week and a half. As a matter of fact, he has a cold right now and an ear infection. I've been told that he'll have a great immune system when he starts school, though!
Back in March when Trey received breathing treatments for RSV.
Oh, we love this boy! He is so cute and precious, and we love the feisty and sweet combination in his personality. We've been talking a lot lately about how his personality qualities, if we parent right and by the grace of God, will create an amazing man of God. He has the potential to be a strong, sensitive leader, and I'm so grateful for that... even if it means that those same personality traits make his toddler years a little more challenging. Jim Bob Duggar would say, "If you train a strong willed child to do what's right, they'll have a strong will to do what's right." I quote this to myself often and look forward to seeing what kind of man he will become!
Friday, April 10, 2015
Flip-flopping dates
Usually, Bobby takes Gia out on a date every Friday morning. They have a sweet routine, and she looks forward to their time together all week. However, since Trey is getting older and really wanting to spend more time with Daddy, we decided to flip-flop our dates today. Bobby took Trey on a father-son date and I took Gia on a girl's-morning out.
Up until December of 2014, because I spend so much time with the kids everyday, I hadn't taken Gia out on a date. But I decided to take her out for some special "Christmas time" with me in December, and after that, I have been longing to spend that one-on-one time with her outside of our house. Today on our dates, we both took the kids to feed the ducks at different parks. Gia absolutely loved it! We had a great 10 minutes of talking and sitting on the grass feeding the ducks, and then the geese came... they are scary, man! Gia was a bit freaked out by them, and I had to swing my bag at a couple of them to keep them away. So, we walked around the beautiful property, held hands, talked, paused to feed more ducks, ran from more geese, and just enjoyed spending time together.
After taking these pictures, Gia had to go potty, so we walked up to the student union building on campus and took care of that. I told her about college and how great it was, and that the "big kids" were here to learn how to be teachers, doctors, and other things. After that, we sat on the steps by the lake and she ate Doc McStuffins fruit snacks while she told me all about wanting to be a doctor for Halloween. I told her that she would make a really great doctor because she's smart (and doctor's have to be smart) and she cares about people & how they feel. We also talked about how excited she is for her birthday party to be here and the fact that her buddy, Lexi, is back in town and they can play soon. It was so sweet to be able to take the time to just let her talk and be completely focused on what was on her mind. My whole goal in that moment was to encourage her and make her feel important to me.
After our one-on-one time with the kids, we all met up at a local ice cream store (which I had a gift card to... thanks Mom and Dad!) and ate "lunch" together. I loved trading stories and pictures with Bobby about our time with the kids. Gia was so affectionate towards me the whole time, just wanting to hug me and share my hot fudge and tell Bobby all about our time together. I let her get a lot of ice cream and toppings, and she ate it ALL (and then said her belly hurt). I think she had an awesome morning.
We've decided, because of today, that we are going to switch the kids every-other week and have dates with them. I'm really glad I get to have this time with her twice a month, and I hope that she will be just as excited as I am!
Up until December of 2014, because I spend so much time with the kids everyday, I hadn't taken Gia out on a date. But I decided to take her out for some special "Christmas time" with me in December, and after that, I have been longing to spend that one-on-one time with her outside of our house. Today on our dates, we both took the kids to feed the ducks at different parks. Gia absolutely loved it! We had a great 10 minutes of talking and sitting on the grass feeding the ducks, and then the geese came... they are scary, man! Gia was a bit freaked out by them, and I had to swing my bag at a couple of them to keep them away. So, we walked around the beautiful property, held hands, talked, paused to feed more ducks, ran from more geese, and just enjoyed spending time together.
I love this girl!
This was Gia's face when the geese started coming...
I wanted to get some pretty pictures of her. I asked her to think of something funny so that she would give a real smile, and she said, "A joke would be funny... ha ha ha!"

After taking these pictures, Gia had to go potty, so we walked up to the student union building on campus and took care of that. I told her about college and how great it was, and that the "big kids" were here to learn how to be teachers, doctors, and other things. After that, we sat on the steps by the lake and she ate Doc McStuffins fruit snacks while she told me all about wanting to be a doctor for Halloween. I told her that she would make a really great doctor because she's smart (and doctor's have to be smart) and she cares about people & how they feel. We also talked about how excited she is for her birthday party to be here and the fact that her buddy, Lexi, is back in town and they can play soon. It was so sweet to be able to take the time to just let her talk and be completely focused on what was on her mind. My whole goal in that moment was to encourage her and make her feel important to me.
After our one-on-one time with the kids, we all met up at a local ice cream store (which I had a gift card to... thanks Mom and Dad!) and ate "lunch" together. I loved trading stories and pictures with Bobby about our time with the kids. Gia was so affectionate towards me the whole time, just wanting to hug me and share my hot fudge and tell Bobby all about our time together. I let her get a lot of ice cream and toppings, and she ate it ALL (and then said her belly hurt). I think she had an awesome morning.
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