He is in 3-6 month clothes and size 1 diapers.
Around 6 weeks he began sleeping 5-6 hours at a time at night, and by 8 weeks he was sleeping about 8 hours. He now sleeps from about 10 or 11 until 7 or 8ish, with the occasional 9am. He takes good naps in the daytime as well... usually a little bit of sleep in between each feeding and a long nap sometime in the mid-day.
He loves looking at the toys that dangle from his play mat and swing.
He hates his carseat, but is okay once he's in the car and moving.
He takes the paci sometimes, but usually only for a second as he's falling asleep.
He is the most patient baby when it comes to feeding and diaper changing. As long as you're talking to him or holding him, he won't cry unless he's starving.
He grabs at things, such as the toys above him or my hair. He seems to have good hand-eye coordination.

I think he's going to be the tallest of our three kids.
He's starting to get hair! Although it's very short right now, it looks like he'll be taking after his daddy (lots of dark hair). Bobby was also bald as a baby. He still has some green in his eyes, but they are definitely turning brown.
No sickness yet, although he still breaths deeply when he sleeps (not quite snoring, just deep breathing sounds through his nose). This is actually a comfort to me because I can always hear him sleeping and know he's okay.
Joey got to meet his paternal grandparents for the first time this month! They were smitten with him, and he got spoiled with hugs, kisses and being held.